Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Life Update

2015 has officially started now that February is around the bend.

So many wonderful, random, and magical things have been happening in my life.

I moved to Los Angeles seven months ago and hit the ground running.

There have been distractions and emotional upsets along the way, but I feel like it is all returning to order and calm.

Most recently THIS year in 2015 I have had several successes that I am happy about.

1. New recording equipment = New recordings and Music!
2. New online presence & website being developed.
3. An A&R representative was at a show I did and a label is looking into my stuff right now.
4. I have had shows booked back to back up until April.
5. I have been able to help and mentor people with PR and Music info so they can start.
6. My support system here is amazing and I love my friends that have helped me survive.
7. I just filmed my FIRST music video for a song I wrote. Thrilling!

I will stop with seven things, because it was my Grandfather's favorite number.
He was a musician and a singer, and I think of him often when I am talking to other artists and working on new material. :-)

I am sure there is a more concise and detailed way I could write about my life and where it is headed, but I feel like this will be good enough for now.

Looking forward to the future of 2015 and where it is taking me.

I am watching people around me excel and succeed so much and it is really inspiring.

I am grateful.
I am present.

Many helpful, beautiful, and wondrous things are on the horizon.

Stay tuned...


Monday, January 12, 2015

stop it.

If you are an artist:


It damages your image.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


From a time capsule made for a friend... I wrote these words.
Now when I read them, I feel like they resonate with where I am in life and where I am going.

May your eyes be opened to ANY possibility.

May your heart be open to all forms of love.

May your spirit cry out when it needs to.

May your voice be heard.

    There was a fork in the road, and looking back to determine if
you went the right way is only going to delay you now.

You should be proud of who you are and where you've been.

    Never look back.

    Never say never.

You are loved, and I hope these words inspire something within you for
years to come.

He wants you to "keep fighting."

with all the  love a human can muster,
